
I like the design of the curriculum and the process of learning.

This program is perfect for students looking for a robust curriculum without worrying about the financial aspect.

Hello everyone, my name is Harish Kollana, and I hold a diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Later I also did a Btech certification course to improve my qualifications. While pursuing my Btech certification, I worked at Honda as a floor supervisor, service advisor, and service manager. I wanted a more challenging and rewarding job, and hence I decided to upskill my data science skills. I enrolled in AlmaBetter’s Full Stack Data Science program and secured a job offer from Awesome Analytics within 36 weeks of the program commencement.

The primary reason for choosing AlmaBetter over other institutions was the Pay after placement model. AlmaBetter is doing a fantastic job by providing risk-free education to young data science enthusiasts. This program is perfect for students looking for a robust curriculum without worrying about the financial aspect.

My favorite element of the curriculum was the Capstone Projects. I worked on multiple projects with peers and like-minded students, which expanded my industry knowledge. In addition, while working on these projects, I boosted my confidence and teamwork skills. Overall, I would say that Capstone Projects made AlmaBetter’s curriculum stand out.

Overall, I enjoyed my time at AlmaBetter and definitely learned a lot. I like the design of the curriculum and the process of learning.

Harish Kollana
Data Analyst

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