Data Science

The Top Applications of Stack in Data Structure

Last Updated: 15th November, 2023

Narender Ravulakollu

Technical Content Writer at almaBetter

Explore real world application of stack data structures, from function call management to undo/redo functions. Understand how stacks shape modern technology.

In the realm of computer science, data structures are the building blocks of efficient algorithms and software applications. Among these structures, the stack stands out as a simple yet powerful concept. A stack follows the "Last In, First Out" (LIFO) principle, making it a key player in various digital processes.

In this blog, we'll explore the applications of the stack data structure, including the application of stack data structure in C, and we'll address questions like "what are the application of stack in data structure" and "Explain application of stack in data structure," and "what is the application of stack in data structure." We'll journey through its basics, core operations, and practical uses, shedding light on how it's an essential tool for programmers and computer scientists. From function calls to undo/redo functionality, the stack plays a pivotal role. Join us in uncovering the applications of the stack data structure.

What is a Stack?

At its core, a stack is a linear data structure that adheres to a simple yet powerful principle known as "Last In, First Out" (LIFO). This means that the last item added to the stack is the first to be removed, much like a physical stack of objects, where you can only add or remove items from the top.

Imagine a stack of plates: you can only add a plate to the top of the stack and remove a plate from the top. This intuitive analogy beautifully captures the essence of a stack data structure.

Basic Operations of a Stack

The stack data structure, with its Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, is governed by a set of fundamental operations that enable it to manage and manipulate data efficiently. These basic operations are the building blocks of a stack:

1. Push:

The push operation is used to add an element to the top of the stack. This is akin to placing a new item on top of a physical stack.

When an element is pushed onto the stack, it becomes the new top, and all existing elements shift down one position.

2. Pop:

The pop operation is employed to remove the top element from the stack. This is similar to taking the top item from a stack of objects.

After popping an element, the stack size decreases, and the element that was beneath the removed item becomes the new top.

3. Peek (or Top):

The peek operation, also known as top, allows you to view the element at the top of the stack without removing it. This is useful for inspecting the current top element.

Peeking doesn't alter the stack's structure; it only provides information about the top element.

These three operations are the core functionality of a stack and are implemented in various programming languages, including C.

Applications of Stack Data Structure

1. Function Call Stack:

In programming, the function call stack is an essential tool for managing function calls, including the application of stack data structure in C. When a function is invoked, its execution context is pushed onto the stack, including local variables and the return address. As the function completes, its stack frame is popped, allowing the program to resume execution in the calling function. This stack-based approach ensures that function calls are handled in the correct order, providing a structured way to manage program flow.

2. Undo/Redo Functionality:

Undo and redo functionalities are ubiquitous in software applications, from text editors to graphic design software. Stacks are employed to maintain a history of user actions, allowing for easy reversibility and exploration of past changes. When an action is performed, it's pushed onto the undo stack, and if the user wishes to undo it, the action is popped from the undo stack and pushed onto the redo stack, ensuring a seamless way to navigate through changes and correct mistakes.

3. Expression Evaluation:

In mathematics and programming, stacks are used for precise expression evaluation, including the application of stacks in data structure. When evaluating mathematical expressions, a stack can be employed to keep track of operators and operands, ensuring the correct order of operations. The LIFO property of stacks helps manage operator precedence, allowing for the accurate calculation of complex expressions. It simplifies the process of converting infix expressions to postfix notation for evaluation.

4. Backtracking Algorithms:

Backtracking algorithms, such as depth-first search (DFS) in graph theory, depend on the stack data structure to systematically explore paths and make choices at each step. As the algorithm progresses, the current path and choices are pushed onto the stack. If a dead-end is encountered, the algorithm backtracks by popping elements from the stack, allowing it to explore alternative paths and find solutions to problems like pathfinding and puzzles.

5. Browser History:

Web browsers utilize stacks to manage users' browsing history efficiently, demonstrating the application of stack and queue in data structure. Every time a user visits a new web page, the current page is pushed onto the forward stack, while the previous page is pushed onto the back stack. This approach enables users to navigate backwards and forward through their browsing history using the browser's "Back" and "Forward" buttons, providing a seamless and intuitive web browsing experience.

6. Memory Management:

In programming languages like C and C++, the stack plays a critical role in memory management, illustrating the application of stack ADT in data structure. It is used to store function call information, local variables, and execution-related data. The stack segment of a program's memory is typically allocated for this purpose. As functions are called and return, memory is efficiently allocated and deallocated from the stack, ensuring effective memory management and resource optimisation in software development, particularly in low-level programming.


In the realm of computer science, the stack data structure is a versatile workhorse, serving diverse applications with its LIFO principle and three core operations. From managing function calls and powering undo/redo functions to ensuring precision in expression evaluation and enabling backtracking algorithms, stacks are pivotal. They underpin efficient browsing history in web browsers and are vital in low-level memory management.

The stack's adaptability and real-world importance are undeniable. Mastering its applications is essential for programmers and computer scientists alike. So, as you embark on your journey through the world of technology, remember that stacks, like the unsung heroes, quietly make remarkable contributions, and they are yours to harness.

With stacks in your toolkit, you're well-equipped to navigate the digital landscape and build solutions that stand the test of time.

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