Data ScienceSQL

Difference Between Natural Join and Inner Join in SQL

Last Updated: 5th July, 2024

Arunav Goswami

Data Science Consultant at almaBetter

Learn the key differences between natural join and inner join in SQL. Understand their use cases, advantages, and examples to optimize your database queries

In the realm of relational databases, understanding the different types of joins is fundamental for anyone involved in database management or data analysis. Joins are essential for querying data from multiple tables based on relationships among the data. Among the various types of joins, natural joins and inner joins are commonly used. Although they might seem similar at first glance, they have distinct characteristics and applications. This article delves into the differences between natural joins and inner joins, providing a comprehensive understanding of both.

Introduction to Joins in SQL

Before diving into the specifics, it's important to have a basic understanding of what joins are. In SQL (Structured Query Language), a join is a means of combining columns from one or more tables based on a related column between them. There are several types of joins:

  • Inner Join
  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Full Join
  • Cross Join
  • Natural Join

Each type serves different purposes and use cases in database querying.

What is an Inner Join?

Definition and Syntax

An inner join returns records that have matching values in both tables. When you perform an inner join, you specify the columns from each table that should be compared to find the matching rows. Here’s the basic syntax for an inner join:

SELECT columns
FROM table1
ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column;


Consider two tables, employees and departments:

  • employees
1John Doe101
2Jane Smith102
3Sam Brown103
  • departments

Performing an inner join on these tables:

SELECT, departments.dept_name
FROM employees
INNER JOIN departments
ON employees.dept_id = departments.dept_id;


John DoeHR
Jane SmithFinance

The result includes only the rows where dept_id matches in both tables. Sam Brown and the IT department are excluded because there is no matching dept_id.

What is a Natural Join?

Definition and Syntax

A natural join is a type of inner join that automatically matches columns between the two tables that have the same name and data type. The natural join implicitly uses these columns to perform the join, which can sometimes simplify queries.

SELECT columns
FROM table1


Using the same employees and departments tables:

SELECT name, dept_name
FROM employees
NATURAL JOIN departments;


John DoeHR
Jane SmithFinance

The natural join automatically matches the dept_id columns without explicitly specifying them in the query.

Key Difference Between Inner Join and Natural Join

Column Specification

  • Inner Join: Requires explicit columns to be specified in the ON clause for the join condition.
  • Natural Join: Automatically uses all columns with the same name and data type in both tables to join the tables.

Use Case

  • Inner Join: Offers more control as you can specify which columns to join on. Useful in situations where you need to join tables on specific columns that might not have the same name.
  • Natural Join: Simplifies queries when tables have columns with the same names that should be joined. It’s quicker to write but can lead to errors if not carefully used, as it joins on all columns with the same name.


  • Inner Join: More explicit and clear, making the query easier to understand and maintain, especially for others who might work with your code.
  • Natural Join: Less explicit, which can be convenient for quick queries but might obscure the join logic, making it harder to debug or understand.

Natural Join vs Inner Join: Performance Considerations

Inner Join Performance

Inner joins are generally efficient, but their performance can degrade with large datasets or complex join conditions. To optimize inner join performance:

  • Indexes: Ensure the columns used in the join condition are indexed.
  • Query Optimization: Use query optimization techniques such as subqueries and temporary tables.
  • Database Design: Normalize tables appropriately to reduce redundancy.

Natural Join Performance

Natural joins can be less efficient if tables have many columns with the same names, leading to larger intermediate result sets. To optimize natural join performance:

  • Column Selection: Limit the number of common columns to those necessary for the join.
  • Schema Design: Design schemas with unique column names where possible to avoid unintended joins.

Inner Join vs Natural Join: Error Handling and Debugging

Common Errors

  • Inner Join: Mismatched data types, missing join conditions, and incorrect table aliases.
  • Natural Join: Unintended column matches, especially in complex schemas.

Debugging Strategies

  • Check Column Names and Data Types: Ensure columns used in join conditions have compatible data types.
  • Review Query Logic: Break down complex joins into simpler parts to isolate issues.
  • Use Explain Plans: Utilize database-specific tools to generate query execution plans and identify performance bottlenecks.

Inner Join vs Natural Join

Here is a comparison between Natural Join vs Inner Join presented in a tabular format:

FeatureNatural JoinInner Join
DefinitionCombines tables based on common columns with the same name and type without specifying the column names explicitly.Combines tables based on specified common columns using equality condition.
Column MatchingAutomatically matches columns by name and data type.Requires explicit column matching using an equality condition.
SyntaxSELECT * FROM table1 NATURAL JOIN table2;SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;
RedundancyEliminates duplicate columns from the result set.Keeps both columns from the joined tables unless specified otherwise.
FlexibilityLess flexible due to automatic column matching.More flexible as it allows joining on any condition.
Use CaseUseful when tables have multiple common columns and you want to avoid redundancy.Useful when you need precise control over the columns and join conditions.
Error ProneCan be error-prone if there are unintended common columns.Less error-prone as it requires explicit column specification.
PerformanceSimilar to Inner Join but can have slight overhead due to automatic column matching.Generally efficient, performance depends on the database and indexes.

Natural Join vs Inner Join: Example Scenario

Consider a more complex scenario where tables have multiple common columns:

Inner Join:

SELECT a.col1, b.col2
FROM tableA a
ON = AND =;

Natural Join:

SELECT col1, col2
FROM tableA

If tableA and tableB have multiple columns with the same names, the natural join will use all of them, which might not be the intended behavior.


Understanding the difference between natural and inner join is crucial for writing efficient and accurate SQL queries. While both types of joins are used to combine data from multiple tables, they have different mechanisms and use cases. Inner joins provide more control and explicitness, making them preferable for most applications. Natural joins can simplify queries but should be used with caution due to their implicit nature. By choosing the right type of join for your specific scenario, you can ensure your queries are both effective and efficient.

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