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Square 1 to 30 (1 to 30 Square Values)

Last Updated: 1st December, 2023

Arpit Mehar

Content Developer Associate at almaBetter

Square 1 to 30: Calculate the squared values of numbers from 1 to 30, a useful resource for mathematical reference and understanding of squared numbers.

The square of a number is obtained by multiplying the number by itself. Here are the squares of the numbers from 1 to 30:

1² = 1
2² = 4
3² = 9
4² = 16
5² = 25
6² = 36
7² = 49
8² = 64
9² = 81
10² = 100
11² = 121
12² = 144
13² = 169
14² = 196
15² = 225
16² = 256
17² = 289
18² = 324
19² = 361
20² = 400
21² = 441
22² = 484
23² = 529
24² = 576
25² = 625
26² = 676
27² = 729
28² = 784
29² = 841
30² = 900

Square 1 to 30 for Even Number

Here are the squares of even numbers from 1 to 30:

2² = 4
4² = 16
6² = 36
8² = 64
10² = 100
12² = 144
14² = 196
16² = 256
18² = 324
20² = 400
22² = 484
24² = 576
26² = 676
28² = 784
30² = 900

Square 1 to 30 for Odd Number

Here are the squares of odd numbers from 1 to 30:

1² = 1
3² = 9
5² = 25
7² = 49
9² = 81
11² = 121
13² = 169
15² = 225
17² = 289
19² = 361
21² = 441
23² = 529
25² = 625
27² = 729
29² = 841

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