
Regularization in Machine Learning

Last Updated: 22nd June, 2023


Regularization techniques are methods used to reduce the complexity of a machine learning model by introducing additional information in order to prevent overfitting. Regularization techniques are used to make models more generalizable and reduce the likelihood of training models that are too complex or too sensitive to the training data. These techniques are used to penalize certain coefficients, such as large values of weights, in order to reduce the variance of the model and help prevent overfitting. Popular regularization techniques include L1, L2, Dropout, and Batch Normalization.

Introduction to overfitting

Overfitting is a problem in machine learning where a model performs well on the training data but needs to generalize better to new data. This occurs when a model is overly complex or has too many parameters relative to the amount of data it is trained on. Overfitting leads to poor generalization and poor predictive performance on unseen data. It is caused by the model learning patterns in the training data that do not generalize to other data and do not accurately represent the underlying data it is trying to capture. This can lead to models that are overly sensitive to specific features in the training data that only apply in other contexts. Overfitting can be prevented by using regularization techniques such as adding a penalty to the cost function or using cross-validation to reduce the variance of the model.

L1 and L2 regularization: Introducing L1 and L2 regularization, explaining how they work, and discussing their differences.

L1 and L2 regularization are techniques used to prevent overfitting in machine learning models by introducing a penalty for model complexity.

L1 Regularization(LASSO):

  • Penalizes the absolute value of the weight coefficients
  • Minimizes the sum of the absolute weights of the coefficients
  • This leads to sparse models, with many weights set to zero
  • Also known as L1 norm and Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)

In this, we penalize the absolute value of the weights. Unlike L2, the weights may be reduced to zero here. Hence, it is very useful when we are trying to compress our model. Otherwise, we usually prefer L2 over it.

L2 Regularization(Ridge):

  • Penalizes the square of the weight coefficients
  • Minimizes the sum of the squared weights of the coefficients
  • This leads to small, but non-zero weights
  • Also known as L2 norm and Ridge Regression

Here, lambda is the regularization parameter. It is the hyperparameter whose value is optimized for better results.

Ridge regression: Discussing ridge regression, a linear regression technique that uses L2 regularization, and its advantages and disadvantages.

Ridge regression is a popular linear regression technique that uses L2 regularization to reduce the model's complexity and avoid overfitting. It adds a regularization term to the cost function, which penalizes large weights, and thus helps to reduce the variance of the model.

The primary advantage of ridge regression is that it can reduce the variance of the model and prevent overfitting. It can also be used to deal with multicollinearity, as it can shrink the large coefficients of the correlated variables. Moreover, it does not require feature scaling and it can handle a large number of features.

The primary disadvantage of ridge regression is that it can be computationally expensive, as it requires the calculation of an inverse matrix. Moreover, it is not suitable for highly sparse data, as it tends to shrink all the coefficients. Finally, it can be sensitive to outliers, as it minimizes the square of the errors.

Now consider the cost function of ridge regression The extra term, which is known as the penalty term. λ, given here, is actually denoted by an alpha parameter in the ridge function. So by changing the values of alpha, we are basically controlling the penalty term. The higher the values of alpha, the bigger the penalty, and therefore the magnitude of coefficients is reduced.

Important factors:

  • It shrinks the parameters, therefore, it is mostly used to prevent multicollinearity.
  • It reduces the model complexity by coefficient shrinkage.
  • It uses the L2 regularization technique.

Lasso regression

Lasso regression is a linear regression technique that uses L1 regularization. It is a shrinkage and selection technique that shrinks some coefficients to zero. Lasso regression is used to reduce the complexity of a model, improve its interpretability, and select important variables.

The advantages of lasso regression include the fact that it is not prone to overfitting like other linear regression models; it can select important variables from a large set of predictors, and it can be used to identify nonlinear relationships between predictors and the response.

The disadvantages of lasso regression include the fact that it is sensitive to outliers, unsuitable for datasets with high collinearity, and can misestimate the effects of variables. Additionally, lasso regression can be computationally expensive and difficult to tune.

The mathematics behind lasso regression is quite similar to that of the ridge only difference being instead of adding squares of theta; we will add the absolute value of Θ.

Here too, λ is the hypermeter, whose value equals the alpha in the Lasso function.

Important points:

  • L1 regularization is a technique commonly used when dealing with many features.
  • It is used to reduce complexity and perform automatic feature selection.

Elastic Net regularization: Introducing elastic net regularization, which combines L1 and L2 regularization, and discussing its advantages.

Elastic Net regularization is a regularization technique that combines both L1 and L2 regularization. It is a hybrid of both techniques, intended to balance sparsity (L1) and smoothness (L2). This is useful when there is a high correlation between features, as L1 regularization tends to select only one of the highly correlated features. Elastic Net also provides stability in parameter selection when the number of features exceeds the number of observations.

The advantage of using Elastic Net regularization over either L1 or L2 regularization is that it allows for more flexibility in parameter selection. It also enables more efficient learning by introducing a bias-variance tradeoff. This tradeoff allows for better generalization of the model by allowing the model to have higher bias and lower variance than either L1 or L2 regularization by themselves. This helps to improve the accuracy and stability of the model.

The equation for elastic net regularization is a combination of both L1 and L2 regularization penalties, which is expressed assnip152.webp

Dropout regularization

Dropout regularization is a technique used to reduce overfitting in neural networks. Dropout works by randomly removing a certain percentage of neurons from the network during training. This forces the network to learn multiple independent data representations, as the neurons are randomly removed and replaced during each training cycle.

The advantages of dropout regularization include improved generalization performance and reduced overfitting. The network is forced to learn multiple independent data representations by randomly removing neurons. This allows the model to better generalize to new data and reduces overfitting. Additionally, dropout regularization introduces a form of ensemble learning, which can further improve generalization performance.

The main disadvantage of dropout regularization is that it can dramatically reduce the network's capacity. This can lead to slow convergence, as the network must learn multiple independent data representations. Additionally, dropout can increase training time and computational cost, as it requires more iterations to reach convergence. Finally, dropout can increase the number of model parameters, which can further increase the computational cost.

Early stopping

Early stopping is a regularization technique used in machine learning to stop a model's training when the validation loss stops improving. This technique prevents overfitting and can be used with any supervised learning algorithm. Early stopping works by monitoring the validation error of the model during training and stopping when the validation error stops decreasing.

The main advantage of early stopping is that it can prevent overfitting and help to avoid wasting time and resources on training a model that will not improve its performance. This can save time and money, preventing the need to train many different models and tune multiple hyperparameters. Additionally, early stopping can reduce the risk of overfitting, as the model is only trained until validation loss stops improving.

However, early stopping can also lead to underfitting if the model is stopped too early. This is because the model may have improved its performance if it had been trained for a longer period. Additionally, early stopping requires tuning the model's hyperparameters to find the best stopping point. This can be a time-consuming and difficult task.

Other regularization techniques

  1. Data Augmentation: Data Augmentation is a technique used to increase the number of data points in a dataset. It is done by applying various transformations and modifications to the original dataset. This helps in creating a larger and more diverse dataset. This technique helps reduce overfitting by providing the model with more data points to learn from. The disadvantage of this technique is that it can be time-consuming and computationally expensive.
  2. Weight Decay: Weight decay is another regularization technique that is used to reduce the complexity of a model by penalizing the weights of a model. It adds a regularization term (normally the L2 norm) to the loss function. This term penalizes large weights, thus reducing the complexity of the model. The disadvantage of this technique is that it can reduce the model performance if the regularization term is too large.
  3. Batch Normalization: Batch Normalization is a technique that normalizes the inputs to a layer in a neural network. It works by normalizing each batch of inputs with the mean and variance of the batch. This helps move the model's convergence speed and avoids overfitting. The drawback of this strategy is that it requires extra computation and memory, which can be costly.

Choosing the proper regularization technique:

Talking about selecting the correct regularization technique for a particular issue and the factors to consider when making this choice.

  1. When choosing the proper regularization method for a particular issue, many factors must be considered. To begin with, you must understand the objective of your model and the sort of data you've got. Different regularization methods work better for diverse information and different goals. For illustration, if you're attempting to reduce overfitting and noisy data, L1 and L2 regularization may be the superior choices.
  2. Second, consider the complexity of your show. Diverse regularization strategies can be utilized to reduce the complexity of a show and progress its generalization execution. For illustration, if your demonstrate is exceedingly complex, you might consider utilizing dropout regularization.
  3. Third, consider the penalty that would work best for your show. Diverse regularization methods utilize diverse sorts of punishments, such as L1 and L2, which may influence the execution of the show unexpectedly.
  4. At last, consider the computational cost of using different regularization strategies. A few regularization strategies can be more costly to implement than others, so you should be mindful of the fetched suggestions.

For illustration, let's consider the Kaggle Credit Card Fraud Detection dataset.

We can use regularization techniques to decrease the complexity of the model and improve its generalization execution. Since this dataset incorporates much noisy data, we can utilize L1 or L2 regularization to diminish overfitting. We can utilize dropout regularization to diminish the complexity of the show. In conclusion, in case we are attempting to diminish the computational fetch of utilizing regularization, we can utilize an edge relapse demonstration.

Underneath is an illustration of utilizing regularization in Python for this dataset:


The code begins by importing the necessary libraries, such as NumPy and sklearn’s Ridge regression. Next, the dataset is loaded and split into train and test sets. Then, a Ridge regression model is created with an alpha of 0.5, which is a regularization parameter used to reduce overfitting. The model is then trained on the training set and used to make predictions on the test set. Finally, the model is evaluated by calculating the R2 score. The higher the R2 score, the better the model is performing.

Practical examples

  1. Linear Regression: Regularization techniques for linear regression can help prevent overfitting. For example, L1 regularization (Lasso) adds a penalty term to the cost function, penalizing the sum of the absolute values of the weights. This helps to reduce the complexity of the model and prevent overfitting.
  2. Logistic Regression: Regularization techniques for logistic regression can also help prevent overfitting. For example, L2 regularization (Ridge) adds a penalty term to the cost function, penalizing the sum of the squares of the weights. This helps to reduce the complexity of the model and prevent overfitting.
  3. Neural Networks: Regularization techniques for neural networks can help reduce the complexity of the model, prevent overfitting, and improve generalization. For example, weight decay adds a penalty term to the cost function, penalizing the sum of the squares of the weights. This helps to reduce the complexity of the model and prevent overfitting. Dropout is another regularization technique that randomly sets the weights to 0 during training, which helps reduce the model's complexity and prevent overfitting.


Regularization techniques prevent overfitting in machine learning models and improve their generalization ability. They can help reduce a model's complexity by penalizing parameters that are too large and encouraging models to use simpler and more interpretable structures. The primary benefit of regularization is that it helps to improve the performance of a machine learning model, leading to better results.

Key takeaways

  1. Regularization techniques are used to reduce overfitting in ML models by introducing additional information or constraints to the model.
  2. Regularization techniques include L1, L2, and Elastic Net regularization, dropout, and early stopping.
  3. Regularization techniques are commonly used in deep learning models, as they help to reduce overfitting and improve generalization performance.
  4. Regularization techniques can also improve the interpretability of models by making them more parsimonious or with fewer parameters.


  1. Which of the following is a regularization technique?  
    1. Data Augmentation 
    2. Dropout  
    3. L1 Regularization  
    4. None of the above

Answer: c. L1 Regularization

  1. What is the purpose of regularization techniques?  
    1. To reduce overfitting  
    2. To increase accuracy 
    3. To reduce the amount of training data  
    4. To reduce the number of parameters

Answer: a. To reduce overfitting

  1. Which of the following techniques is used in L2 regularization? 
    1. Adding a penalty term to the cost function 
    2. Adding a penalty term to the weights 
    3. Removing weights
    4. None of the above

Answer: b. Adding a penalty term to the weights

  1. What is the impact of regularization on the accuracy of the model? 
    1. Increase 
    2. Decrease 
    3. No effect 
    4. Depends on the regularization technique

Answer: d. Depends on the regularization technique

Module 4: Regression Regularization in Machine Learning

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