
Maxima and Minima for GATE Exam

Last Updated: 25th October, 2023

Maxima and minima are fundamental concepts in mathematics and engineering with wide-ranging applications in various fields. They play a crucial role in optimization problems, modeling real-world phenomena, and making informed decisions. Here's an explanation of their relevance:

  1. Mathematics:
    • Calculus: Maxima and minima are key concepts in calculus, particularly in the study of functions. They help us find the points where functions reach their highest (maxima) or lowest (minima) values. This is essential for understanding the behavior of functions and solving various mathematical problems.
    • Differential Equations: Many differential equations involve finding extrema of functions to describe physical processes or natural phenomena. Understanding maxima and minima is essential for solving these equations and interpreting their solutions.
    • Optimization: Maxima and minima are central to optimization problems, where the goal is to find the best possible outcome or solution within a given set of constraints. This has applications in economics, engineering, and various other fields.
  2. Engineering:
    • Mechanical Engineering: Engineers use maxima and minima to design structures and systems that can withstand maximum loads or operate with minimum energy consumption. For example, designing the shape of an airplane wing to minimize drag or optimizing the stress distribution in a bridge.
    • Electrical Engineering: In circuit design, engineers optimize components to maximize efficiency while minimizing power dissipation. Finding the maximum or minimum values of certain parameters is crucial for achieving this balance.
    • Control Systems: In control theory, engineers aim to optimize system performance by finding the best control parameters. This often involves maximizing or minimizing certain performance criteria.
    • Operations Research: In industrial and systems engineering, problems involving resource allocation, scheduling, and logistics often require optimization, making maxima and minima concepts vital.

Objective of the Lesson:

The objective of this lesson is to provide a comprehensive understanding of maxima and minima in mathematical and engineering contexts. This includes both analytical and numerical methods for finding maxima and minima, as well as the application of these concepts to real-world problems. By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Identify and analyze maxima and minima in mathematical functions.
  • Apply optimization techniques to engineering problems.
  • Solve practical problems that involve finding maxima and minima.
  • Gain the mathematical foundation required to excel in the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), which is essential for admission to postgraduate programs and for career advancement in engineering disciplines.

Importance for GATE:

Mastering the concept of maxima and minima is of paramount importance for GATE aspirants. The GATE exam typically includes questions related to optimization, mathematical modeling, and engineering applications that require a solid understanding of maxima and minima. Success in these questions can significantly boost one's GATE score, improve chances of admission to prestigious institutions, and enhance career prospects in the field of engineering. Therefore, a strong grasp of this concept is not only academically beneficial but also instrumental for achieving success in the GATE examination and the broader engineering domain.

Definition of Maxima and Minima:

Maxima and minima are points on a mathematical function where the function reaches its highest or lowest values. To better understand this concept, let's delve into the distinction between local and global maxima/minima and use graphical representations for clarity.

1. Local Maxima and Minima:

  • Local Maximum: A local maximum is a point on a function where the function value is greater than or equal to the values of nearby points but not necessarily greater than all other points in the entire domain of the function. In other words, it's a peak within a small neighborhood.
  • Local Minimum: A local minimum is a point on a function where the function value is less than or equal to the values of nearby points but not necessarily less than all other points in the entire domain of the function. It's a valley within a small neighborhood.

Local Maxima and Minima

Local Maxima and Minima

In the graph above, points x=b, x=d and x=f are local maxima because they are higher than their neighboring points, but they are not the absolute highest points on the entire graph. Points x=a, x=c and x=e are local minima because they are lower than their neighbors but not the absolute lowest points.

2. Global Maxima and Minima:

  • Global Maximum: A global maximum (or absolute maximum) is a point on a function where the function value is greater than or equal to all other points in the entire domain of the function. It is the highest point on the entire graph.
  • Global Minimum: A global minimum (or absolute minimum) is a point on a function where the function value is less than or equal to all other points in the entire domain of the function. It is the lowest point on the entire graph.

In the graph above, point x=b is the global maximum because it is the highest point on the entire graph. Point x=a is the global minimum because it is the lowest point on the entire graph.

Understanding the distinction between local and global maxima/minima is crucial in optimization problems. Local extrema are often used as starting points for finding global extrema. Optimization algorithms aim to identify these critical points to solve real-world problems efficiently.

In summary, maxima and minima represent the highest and lowest points on a function, respectively. Local extrema are relative to nearby points, while global extrema are the absolute highest or lowest points in the entire domain of the function. These concepts are fundamental in various fields, including mathematics, engineering, economics, and physics, where finding the best or worst outcomes is a common objective.

Methods for Finding Maxima and Minima:

Critical Points:

Critical points are key locations on a function where the derivative (slope) is either zero or undefined. These points are significant because they serve as potential locations for maxima and minima of the function. In essence, critical points mark where the function's behavior changes, and they are a starting point for identifying local extrema.

First Derivative Test for Identifying Maxima and Minima:

The first derivative test is a method for determining whether a critical point corresponds to a local maximum, local minimum, or neither. Here's how it works:

  • If f'(x) changes from positive to negative at a critical point c, it indicates that the function is increasing to the left of c and decreasing to the right of c. Therefore, c is a local maximum.
  • If f'(x) changes from negative to positive at a critical point c, it indicates that the function is decreasing to the left of c and increasing to the right of c. Therefore, c is a local minimum.
  • If f'(x) does not change sign at a critical point c, it does not provide conclusive information about the nature of the extremum at c.

Local Maxima and Minima

Local Maxima and Minima

Second Derivative Test for Identifying Maxima and Minima:

The second derivative test is another method for analyzing critical points:

  • If f''(c) > 0 at a critical point c, it indicates that the function is concave up at c. This means that c is a local minimum.
  • If f''(c) < 0 at a critical point c, it indicates that the function is concave down at c. This means that c is a local maximum.
  • If f''(c) = 0 at a critical point c, the test is inconclusive.

Second Derivative Test

Second Derivative Test

Concavity and Its Relationship to Tests:

Concavity is the property of a function's graph that describes the curvature of the graph.

  • Concave Up: If a function is concave up on an interval, it means the graph is shaped like a "U" or a smiley face. This corresponds to positive second derivative values.
  • Concave Down: If a function is concave down on an interval, it means the graph is shaped like an upside-down "U" or a frowny face. This corresponds to negative second derivative values.

The relationship between concavity and the first and second derivative tests is that a critical point is a local maximum if the function is concave down and a local minimum if it is concave up at that point. The second derivative test provides a more direct way of assessing concavity.

Importance of Endpoints in Optimization Problems:

In optimization problems, endpoints or boundary points of the domain are also crucial. These points need to be evaluated along with critical points because they may represent potential maxima or minima. Sometimes, the maximum or minimum value of a function occurs at an endpoint when the function is restricted to a specific domain.

To summarize, critical points are locations on a function where the derivative is zero or undefined, and they can potentially be maxima or minima. The first and second derivative tests, along with the concept of concavity, help determine the nature of these extrema. Additionally, endpoints of the domain are important considerations in optimization problems, as they can also yield extreme values in certain cases.

Optimization Involving a Single Variable:

Solving optimization problems with a single variable involves finding the maximum or minimum value of a function while considering specific constraints. Here's a step-by-step procedure using real-world examples and emphasizing the role of constraints:

Step 1: Identify the Objective Function

  • Define the function that represents the quantity to be maximized or minimized. This is often denoted as f(x), where (x) is the variable of interest.

Step 2: Identify the Constraints

  • Determine any constraints that limit the possible values of the variable. Constraints are inequalities or equations that must be satisfied. These constraints are crucial as they restrict the feasible solutions. Constraints can be mathematical equations, physical limitations, or economic factors.

Step 3: Formulate the Objective Function

  • Express the objective function (f(x)) in terms of the variable (x). This typically involves translating a real-world problem into a mathematical equation. For example, if you're optimizing profit, (f(x)) might represent the profit as a function of the quantity produced, (x).

Step 4: Express Constraints Mathematically

  • Write down the mathematical expressions for the constraints. These expressions should relate to the variable (x) and should represent the limitations imposed by the problem. Constraints are often inequalities, such as (g(x) ≤ b), where (g(x)) represents the constraint and (b) is the maximum allowable value.

Step 5: Define the Feasible Domain

  • Determine the feasible domain, which is the set of all possible values of (x) that satisfy the constraints. This domain is the intersection of all constraints and represents the range of values (x) can take.

Step 6: Find Critical Points

  • Calculate the critical points of the objective function (f(x)) by finding where its derivative is zero or undefined. These are potential locations for maxima or minima.

Step 7: Evaluate Critical Points

  • Evaluate the objective function (f(x)) at the critical points and at the endpoints of the feasible domain. This step helps you identify which point(s) yield the maximum or minimum value.

Step 8: Check for Optimality

  • If you find multiple candidates for the maximum or minimum value, compare their function values. The largest value represents the global maximum, while the smallest value represents the global minimum.

Step 9: Interpret the Results

  • Interpret the results in the context of the real-world problem. What does the maximum or minimum value mean in practical terms? Ensure that the solution makes sense within the constraints of the problem.

Example: Profit Maximization Suppose you run a bakery and want to maximize your daily profit, which is given by

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 12.24.55 PM.png

, where (x) is the number of cakes baked. Your oven can only handle up to 30 cakes per day (x<=30), and you have limited resources.


1. Objective Function: P(x)=5x-0.2x2

2. Constraint: x<=30

3. Feasible Domain: 0<=x<=30

4. Critical Points: Find P'(x) and solve for (x). Critical points: (x = 25) and (x = 0) (at the endpoints).

5. Evaluate P(x) at critical points and endpoints: P(25)=125,P(0)=0 and P(30)=150.

6. The maximum profit occurs when x=30 cakes, yielding 150.

In this example, the solution is x=30 cakes per day, which maximizes your profit, given the constraint on the oven's capacity.

Constraints play a crucial role in optimization problems, as they limit the feasible solutions and ensure that the results are applicable to real-world situations. Careful consideration of these constraints is essential for finding meaningful solutions.

Example Problems:

Problem 1: Simple Linear Optimization

You have a rectangular piece of cardboard with a fixed perimeter of 36 inches. What dimensions should you cut to maximize the area of the rectangle?


Step 1: Identify the Objective Function

A(x,y)=xy (Area of the rectangle)

Step 2: Express Constraints Mathematically

2x+2y=36 (Perimeter of the rectangle)

Step 3: Formulate the Feasible Domain

  • Solve the constraint for (y): y=18-x
  • The feasible domain is 0<x<18 (since 2x+2y=36 implies y=18-x, and both (x) and (y) must be positive).

Step 4: Find Critical Points

  • Calculate (A'(x)):
  • Set A'(x)=0
  • Solve for x:

Step 5: Evaluate Critical Points

  • Calculate A(x) at the critical point:

Step 6: Interpret the Result

  • To maximize the area of the rectangle, you should cut the cardboard into two equal sides of 9 inches each for the length and width. This yields a maximum area of 81 square inches.

Problem 2: Quadratic Optimization

You want to enclose a rectangular garden using 120 feet of fencing. What dimensions should you use to maximize the area of the garden?


Step 1: Identify the Objective Function

  • A(x,y)=xy (Area of the rectangle)

Step 2: Express Constraints Mathematically

  • 2x+2y=120 (Total length of fencing)

Step 3: Formulate the Feasible Domain

  • Solve the constraint for (y):
  • The feasible domain is 0<x<60 (since 2x+2y=120 implies y=60-x), and both x and y must be positive).

Step 4: Find Critical Points

  • Calculate A'(x):
  • Set A'(x)=0:
  • Solve for x:

Step 5: Evaluate Critical Points

  • Calculate A(x) at the critical point:

Step 6: Interpret the Result

  • To maximize the area of the rectangular garden, use dimensions of 30 feet for the width and 60 feet for the length. This yields a maximum area of 900 square feet.

Problem 3: Cost Minimization

You want to build a rectangular garden with a fixed area of 100 square meters. The fencing along the length of the garden costs $10 per meter, while the fencing along the width costs $5 per meter. What are the dimensions of the garden that minimize the cost of fencing?


Step 1: Identify the Objective Function

  • We want to minimize the cost, which is given by C(x, y) = 10x + 5y, where x is the length and y is the width.

Step 2: Express Constraints Mathematically

  • The area of the garden is fixed at 100 square meters: xy = 100.

Step 3: Formulate the Feasible Domain

  • The feasible domain is xy = 100, which represents all possible combinations of length and width that result in an area of 100 square meters.

Step 4: Find Critical Points

  • Solve the constraint for one variable and substitute it into the cost function.
  • Solve for y in terms of x: Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 12.59.18 PM.png
  • Substitute into the cost function:Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 1.00.18 PM.png

Step 5: Find the Derivative and Set It Equal to Zero

  • Calculate C'(x):

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 1.01.25 PM.png

  • Set C'(x) = 0:

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 1.03.05 PM.png

  • Solve for x:

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 1.04.04 PM.png

Step 6: Evaluate Critical Points

  • Calculate y using the constraint:

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 1.04.49 PM.png

Step 7: Interpret the Result

  • To minimize the cost of fencing, the dimensions of the rectangular garden should be approximately 7.07 meters in length and 2.83 meters in width. This results in the minimum cost of fencing.

Problem 4: Profit Maximization

You run a small manufacturing company that produces widgets. Your profit is determined by the number of widgets produced and is given by the function P(x) = -2x2 + 100x - 1000_, where x is the number of widgets produced. What is the optimal production quantity to maximize your profit?_


Step 1: Identify the Objective Function

  • Profit function: P(x) = -2x2 + 100x - 1000.

Step 2: Express Constraints Mathematically

  • There are no explicit constraints in this problem.

Step 3: Formulate the Feasible Domain

  • Since there are no explicit constraints, we assume that x can take any non-negative value.

Step 4: Find Critical Points

  • Calculate P'(x):
    P'(x) = -4x + 100
  • Set P'(x) = 0:
    -4x + 100 = 0
  • Solve for x:
    -4x = -100
    x = 25

Step 5: Evaluate Critical Points

  • Calculate P(x) at the critical point:
    P(25) = -2(25)2 + 100(25) - 1000 = 625

Step 6: Interpret the Result

  • To maximize your profit, you should produce 25 widgets. This results in a profit of 625, which is the maximum attainable profit given the profit function.


In this lesson, we explored the concept of optimization in mathematics and engineering, with a focus on solving problems involving maxima and minima. We covered various aspects, including critical points, the first and second derivative tests, concavity, and the importance of endpoints in optimization problems. We also walked through step-by-step procedures for solving optimization problems with a single variable, using real-world examples to illustrate the concepts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Optimization involves finding the maximum or minimum value of a function, which has wide applications in mathematics and engineering.
  • Maxima are points where a function reaches its highest value, while minima are points where it reaches its lowest value.
  • Local maxima/minima are relative extremes within a specific region, while global maxima/minima are the overall highest and lowest points across the entire domain.
  • Critical points are potential locations for maxima and minima and are found by setting the derivative of the function equal to zero.
  • The first and second derivative tests help identify whether a critical point corresponds to a local maximum, minimum, or neither.
  • Concavity of a function plays a key role in determining its behavior at critical points.
  • Endpoints must be considered in optimization problems, as they can be potential locations for extrema.
  • Constraints are essential in optimization problems, as they define the feasible domain of solutions and ensure practicality.
  • The optimization process involves defining the objective function, formulating constraints, finding critical points, evaluating them, and interpreting the results in the context of real-world problems.

Practice Questions

Question 1: Which of the following best defines "global maximum" in the context of optimization problems?

a. A point where the derivative of the function is zero. 

b. A point where the function has a positive second derivative. 

c. The overall highest point on the entire domain of the function. 

d. A point where the function reaches its highest value within a local neighborhood.


c. The overall highest point on the entire domain of the function.

Question 2: In the context of optimization, what are "constraints"?

a. The maximum and minimum values of a function. 

b. Mathematical equations used to determine critical points. 

c. Limitations or conditions that restrict the feasible solutions. 

d. The points where the derivative of a function is undefined.


c. Limitations or conditions that restrict the feasible solutions.

Question 3: Which test is used to determine whether a critical point corresponds to a local maximum, local minimum, or neither?

a. First Derivative Test 

b. Second Derivative Test 

c. Concavity Test 

d. Endpoint Test


b. Second Derivative Test

Question 4: If a function is concave down at a critical point, it corresponds to which type of extremum?

a. Local Maximum 

b. Global Maximum 

c. Local Minimum 

d. Global Minimum


a. Local Maximum

Question 5: In an optimization problem, which step involves evaluating the objective function at critical points and endpoints to identify the maximum or minimum value?

a. Formulating the Feasible Domain 

b. Finding Critical Points 

c. Expressing Constraints Mathematically 

d. Checking for Optimality


d. Checking for Optimality

Module 2: Linear Algebra, Calculus and OptimizationMaxima and Minima for GATE Exam

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