
Global Attributes in HTML - Class, ID, Style

Last Updated: 22nd June, 2023


Global attributes in HTML5 are attributes that can be used with any HTML element, regardless of its type. These attributes provide common functionality that can be applied to any HTML element, and they are not specific to any particular type of element.

Some of the most commonly used global attributes in HTML5 include:

  • id: Used to uniquely identify an element on the page.
  • class: Used to assign a CSS class to an element for styling purposes.
  • style: Used to define inline CSS styles for an element.
  • title: Used to provide additional information about an element when the mouse hovers over it.
  • lang: Used to specify the language of the element's content.
  • data-*: Used to store custom data associated with an element.
  • tabindex: Used to specify the order in which elements should receive focus when the user navigates the page using the keyboard.
  • hidden: Used to hide an element from the page without removing it from the DOM.
  • contenteditable: Used to make an element editable by the user.
  • dir: Used to specify the direction of the element's text (left-to-right or right-to-left).

Let us see some global attributes in detail:

Classes in HTML?

Classes in HTML are a way to group elements together based on a common characteristic or property. For example, you may want to group all the headings in your web page and apply a certain style to them. You can use classes to achieve this. Classes provide a way to apply styles and other properties to a group of elements at once.

To define a class in HTML, you need to use the class attribute. The class attribute is used to specify one or more class names for an element. The syntax for defining a class in HTML is as follows:

<tagname class="classname">

Here, tagname is the name of the HTML element you want to apply the class to, and classname is the name of the class. You can use any name for the class, but it should be descriptive and meaningful.

You can also apply the same class to multiple elements by separating the class names with a space. For example:

<p class="important message">This is an important message</p>

Here, the class "important message" is applied to the paragraph element.

Example-Styling headings:

Suppose you want to apply a specific style to all the headings in your web page. You can define a class for the headings and apply the style to the class. Here's an example:

        .heading {
            font-size: 24px;
            font-weight: bold;
            color: #333;
    <h1 class="heading">Heading 1</h1>
    <h2 class="heading">Heading 2</h2>
    <h3 class="heading">Heading 3</h3>


An ID in HTML is a unique identifier that can be assigned to an HTML element using the 'id' attribute. The ID attribute is used to uniquely identify an element within a webpage. Each ID must be unique within a webpage, meaning that no two elements can have the same ID. This unique identifier can be used to manipulate or access the element using CSS or JavaScript.

To assign an ID to an HTML element, simply add the 'id' attribute to the opening tag of the element, followed by the unique identifier. For example, if you wanted to assign the ID "myDiv" to a div element, you would use the following code:

<div id="myDiv">This is my div</div>

Once an ID has been assigned to an element, it can be accessed in CSS or JavaScript using the # symbol followed by the ID name. For example, to apply a style to the div element with the ID "myDiv" using CSS, you would use the following code:

#myDiv {
  background-color: red;

This would set the background color of the "myDiv" element to red.

Example of using ID in HTML - Navigation menus

Navigation menus are a common use case for IDs in HTML. By assigning an ID to each menu item, developers can use JavaScript to make the menu interactive. For example, when a user clicks on a menu item, the ID can be used to highlight the selected item.

  <li id="home">Home</li>
  <li id="about">About Us</li>
  <li id="contact">Contact Us</li>

The Title Attribute

The title attribute is an HTML attribute that is used to provide additional information about an element. It is used to specify a text that will be displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers over or focuses on the element.

For example, if you have an image on your webpage, you can use the title attribute to provide a description of the image that will be displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers over the image.

Here's an example of how to use the title attribute in HTML:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="My Image" title="A beautiful landscape photo">

In this example, the title attribute has been added to the img element to provide a description of the image that will be displayed as a tooltip.

The syntax for the title attribute is as follows:

<tagname title="text">

Where tagname is the name of the HTML element to which the attribute is applied, and text is the text that will be displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers over or focuses on the element.

Style Attribute

In HTML, the style attribute is used to apply inline styles to an element. Inline styles are a way to add specific styles, such as color, font, and size, directly to an HTML element, instead of creating a separate CSS file. The style attribute can be used on any HTML element, and it allows you to specify a set of CSS styles to be applied to that element.

The syntax for the style attribute is:

<tagname style="property1: value1; property2: value2; ...">

For example, to set the font color of a paragraph element to red, you would use the following code:

<p style="color: red;">This text will be red.</p>

You can also use the style attribute to apply multiple CSS properties to an element:

<p style="color: red; font-size: 16px;">This text will be red and have a font size of 16 pixels.</p>

The style attribute can be used in conjunction with other HTML attributes to further customize the appearance of an element. For example, you can use the style attribute with the background-color property to set the background color of a table cell:

<td style="background-color: yellow;">This cell will have a yellow background.</td>

dir attribute

The dir attribute in HTML is used to define the direction of the text in an element. This attribute is used to control the text direction of the content of an HTML element. It is especially useful for languages that are written from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew.

The dir attribute can have two possible values: "ltr" for left-to-right text direction and "rtl" for right-to-left text direction. The default value is "ltr".

Here is an example of using the dir attribute to change the text direction of a paragraph:

<p dir="rtl">This text will be displayed from right to left.</p>

In the above example, the dir attribute is set to "rtl", which indicates that the paragraph should be displayed from right to left.

The dir attribute can be used in any HTML element, such as div, span, h1, etc.


In conclusion, global attributes in HTML5 provide common functionality that can be applied to any HTML element, regardless of its type. These attributes include the id attribute that uniquely identifies an element on the page, the class attribute that assigns a CSS class to an element for styling purposes, the style attribute that defines inline CSS styles for an element, the title attribute that provides additional information about an element when the mouse hovers over it, and many others. The title attribute is a useful tool for providing additional information to the user about an element, and the id and class attributes can be used to apply styles and manipulate elements using CSS and JavaScript. Overall, global attributes in HTML5 provide a powerful set of tools for web developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages.

Module 6: HTML5 AttributesGlobal Attributes in HTML - Class, ID, Style

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