
Understanding the DOM tree structure

Last Updated: 22nd June, 2023

What is DOM?

Imagine you are a reader trying to organize a book with mixed up pages. It's a slow and tedious process, so you decide to create a system of sticky notes. You label each sticky note with a chapter number and place them in the book at the beginning of each chapter. Now, whenever you need to find a specific chapter, you can quickly look for the corresponding sticky note. In a similar way, the Document Object Model (DOM) in web development is like a system of sticky notes that allows the browser to organize and manipulate the different elements of a web page, making it easier for developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

The Document Object Model is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects, that way programming languages can interact with the page.

History of DOM

The origins of the DOM go back to the early days of the web. In 1992, Tim Berners-Lee created the first web page, which was essentially just a simple document with some hypertext links. At that time, there was no way to dynamically manipulate web pages, and any changes to the document had to be made manually.

In 1995, Netscape Communications Corporation introduced JavaScript, which allowed developers to write scripts that could manipulate the contents of a web page. However, because there was no standardized way to access and manipulate the various elements of a web page, developers had to use browser-specific APIs and methods to achieve their desired effects.

To address this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) formed the Document Object Model (DOM) Working Group in 1997. The goal of the working group was to create a standardized programming interface for web documents that would be supported by all browsers.

The first version of the DOM specification was released in 1998. This initial version, known as DOM Level 1, defined a standard set of objects and methods for accessing and manipulating web page elements. It also defined the concept of an object model, which allowed developers to work with web page elements as if they were objects in a programming language.

Over the years, the DOM specification has been revised and expanded to include new features and functionality. DOM Level 2, released in 2000, added support for XML documents and introduced new event handling mechanisms. DOM Level 3, released in 2004, added support for XPath and improved the handling of XML namespaces.

Today, the DOM is an essential part of web development. It provides a standardized way for developers to interact with web page elements and create dynamic, interactive web applications. The DOM continues to evolve, and new features and functionality are being added to the specification all the time.

What is the DOM Tree?

The DOM tree is a hierarchical structure that represents the web page as a tree of objects. Each object in the tree represents an element of the page, such as a paragraph, image, or form. The tree structure allows JavaScript to access and manipulate the different elements on the page.

The DOM tree starts with a document object, which represents the entire web page, and branches out to include child nodes that represent the different elements and attributes nested within the document. By using the DOM tree, developers can access and manipulate different elements and attributes of a web page to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

Nodes and Elements

In the DOM tree, a node is a fundamental unit that represents an object in the tree. There are different types of nodes in the DOM tree, including element nodes, attribute nodes, and text nodes.

An element node is a type of node that represents an HTML or XML element in the DOM tree. Element nodes are the most common type of node in the DOM tree, and they represent the different elements that make up a web page, such as div, p, img, and a.

Each element node has a set of properties, such as its tag name, attributes, and child nodes. For example, a div element might have a class attribute with a value of "container" and several child nodes, including an h1 element and a p element.

An attribute node is a type of node that represents an attribute of an HTML or XML element in the DOM tree. Attribute nodes are child nodes of element nodes, and they provide additional information about the element. For example, the src attribute of an img element specifies the URL of the image to display.

A text node is a type of node that represents the text content of an HTML or XML element in the DOM tree. Text nodes are child nodes of element nodes, and they contain the actual text that is displayed on the web page. For example, the text content of a p element might include several sentences of text.

Parent and Child Nodes

In the DOM tree, a parent node is a node that contains one or more child nodes. A child node is a node that is contained within a parent node. For example, a div element might be a parent node that contains several child nodes, such as an h1 element, a p element, and an img element.

The relationship between parent and child nodes is important because it determines how the different nodes in the DOM tree are organized and structured. For example, the parent-child relationship between a div element and its child nodes determines how the child nodes are displayed on the web page. The div element might have a certain width and height, and the child nodes will be positioned and sized relative to the parent div element.

When developers create web applications, they often use JavaScript to manipulate the parent-child relationships between different nodes in the DOM tree. For example, developers might use JavaScript to add new child nodes to a parent node, remove existing child nodes, or change the attributes of the parent or child nodes.

Sibling Nodes

In the DOM tree, sibling nodes are nodes that share the same parent node. For example, if a div element has two child nodes, an h1 element and a p element, then the h1 and p elements are sibling nodes because they share the same parent div element.

Sibling nodes are important because they can be used to manipulate and update multiple nodes at the same time. For example, developers might use JavaScript to update the text content or attributes of all sibling nodes that share the same parent node.

In addition, sibling nodes can also be used to create visual effects on the web page, such as animating the appearance or disappearance of multiple nodes at the same time. By manipulating the properties of sibling nodes, developers can create dynamic and interactive web applications that respond to user actions and events.

The Root Node and the Document Object

In the DOM tree, the root node is the highest node in the tree hierarchy and represents the entire document. It is the parent node of all other nodes in the DOM tree, and there is only one root node per document.

The root node is usually referred to as the document object, and it provides access to the different parts of the web page, such as the head and body sections. The document object also provides methods and properties that can be used to manipulate the different nodes and elements in the DOM tree.

For example, developers can use the document object to access and manipulate the text content of an element, change the value of an attribute, or create new nodes and elements on the web page. By manipulating the DOM tree using the document object, developers can create dynamic and interactive web applications that respond to user actions and events.


In conclusion, the Document Object Model (DOM) was created in response to the need for a standardized way to access and manipulate web page elements using JavaScript. It is a hierarchical structure that represents the web page as a tree of objects, with each object representing an element, attribute, or text node. The parent-child and sibling relationships between nodes are important in determining the organization and structure of the DOM tree, and they can be manipulated using JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive web applications. The DOM continues to evolve, with new features and functionality being added to the specification all the time, and it remains an essential part of web development.

Module 7: DOM ManipulationUnderstanding the DOM tree structure

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