
FILTER and ALL Function in Power BI

Last Updated: 30th June, 2024

Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that enables users to visualize and analyze data effectively. Among its vast array of functionalities, the FILTER and ALL functions are crucial for advanced data manipulation and DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) calculations. This article will delve into the nuances of these functions, their applications, and provide examples to help you harness their full potential.

Understanding FILTER Function in Power BI

The FILTER DAX in Power BI returns a table representing a subset of another table or expression. The function evaluates each row in the table and returns only those rows that meet a specific condition. This makes it highly useful for creating complex filters and refining data analysis.

Syntax and Basic Usage

The basic syntax of the FILTER function is as follows:

FILTER(<table>, <expression>)
  • <table>: The table to be filtered.
  • <expression>: A boolean expression that is evaluated for each row in the table.

For example, consider a table named Sales with a column Revenue. If we want to filter this table to include only rows where Revenue is greater than 1000, we would use the following DAX expression:

FILTER(Sales, Sales[Revenue] > 1000)

Practical Examples

Filtering Data by Date: Suppose we have a Sales table with a Date column, and we want to filter the data to include only sales from the year 2023. We can achieve this using the FILTER function:

FILTER(Sales, YEAR(Sales[Date]) = 2023)

Combining Conditions: The FILTER function can handle multiple conditions using logical operators. For example, to filter the Sales table for entries where Revenue is greater than 1000 and the Region is "North", the following expression can be used:

FILTER(Sales, Sales[Revenue] > 1000 && Sales[Region] = "North")

Types of Filter in Power BI

Power BI offers several types of filters, each serving different purposes:

  1. Visual-Level Filters: Applied to individual visualizations, affecting only the specific chart or graph.
  2. Page-Level Filters: Applied to all visualizations on a single page, ensuring consistency across multiple visuals.
  3. Report-Level Filters: Applied to the entire report, affecting all pages and visualizations within the report.
  4. Drillthrough Filters: Allow users to click on a data point in one visual and view related data in another page.

Each of these filter types can utilize the FILTER function to enhance data analysis.

Exploring the ALL Function in Power BI

ALL in Power BI is utilized to remove filters from a table or column, returning all the rows or columns irrespective of any filters applied in the context. This function is particularly useful for creating calculations that need to consider the entire dataset, ignoring any filters that might be active.

Syntax and Basic Usage

The syntax for the ALL function is:

  • <tableOrColumn>: The table or column from which filters are to be removed.

For instance, to remove all filters from the Sales table, you would write:


Practical Examples

Calculating Total Sales: If you want to calculate the total sales ignoring any filters applied, you can use the ALL function:

TotalSales = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Revenue]), ALL(Sales))

Ignoring Specific Column Filters: Suppose you have a Product table with columns Category and Revenue. To ignore filters on the Category column but keep other filters intact, use:

CALCULATE(SUM(Product[Revenue]), ALL(Product[Category]))

Combining FILTER and ALL Functions

Combining FILTER and ALL functions allows for advanced data manipulation and insightful analysis. This combination is particularly useful when you need to perform calculations that require a specific subset of data while simultaneously considering the entire dataset for context.

Example Scenario

Consider a scenario where you need to calculate the percentage of total revenue for each product category. You can achieve this by first calculating the total revenue using the ALL function and then using the FILTER function to get the revenue for each category.

Total Revenue: Calculate the total revenue ignoring all filters.

TotalRevenue = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Revenue]), ALL(Sales))

Revenue by Category: Use the FILTER function to calculate the revenue for each category.

CategoryRevenue = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Revenue]), FILTER(Sales, Sales[Category] = "Electronics"))

Percentage of Total Revenue: Finally, calculate the percentage of total revenue for the category.

PercentageOfTotal = DIVIDE(CategoryRevenue, TotalRevenue, 0)

Advanced Use Cases

  • Dynamic Filtering: Use FILTER within a CALCULATE function to create dynamic measures that adapt to slicers and other visual elements in the report.
  • Contextual Analysis: Combine ALL with other DAX functions like ALLEXCEPT to perform contextual analysis, where specific filters are removed while others are retained.

Best Practices for Using FILTER and ALL Functions

  1. Use Descriptive Names: Name your measures and columns clearly to reflect their purpose.
  2. Optimize Performance: Be mindful of performance when using complex filters, especially on large datasets.
  3. Combine with Other Functions: Don’t hesitate to combine FILTER and ALL with other DAX functions like CALCULATE, SUM, and DIVIDE for advanced calculations.


The FILTER and ALL functions in Power BI are essential tools for data analysts and developers, enabling sophisticated data filtering and comprehensive analysis. By mastering these functions, you can unlock the full potential of Power BI, creating dynamic and insightful reports that cater to complex business needs.

Implement these functions in your Power BI projects to see a significant improvement in your data manipulation capabilities and overall analysis precision. Remember, practice and experimentation are key to mastering DAX functions and leveraging them to their fullest potential.

Key Takeaways on FILTER and ALL Function in Power BI

  • The FILTER function returns a subset of a table based on specific conditions, with syntax FILTER(<table>, <expression>), enabling complex filters and refined data analysis.
  • Practical examples include filtering by date and combining conditions to refine datasets further, illustrating the flexibility of the FILTER function.
  • Power BI offers various filter types like visual-level, page-level, report-level, and drillthrough filters, each serving different purposes and enhancing data analysis.
  • The ALL function removes filters from a table or column, returning all rows or columns regardless of any applied filters, useful for calculations needing the entire dataset.
  • Combining FILTER and ALL functions allows for advanced data manipulation, such as calculating the percentage of total revenue for each product category, maintaining context and specificity.
  • Advanced use cases include dynamic filtering within a CALCULATE function and contextual analysis using ALL with other DAX functions, adapting measures to slicers and visual elements.
  • Best practices include using descriptive names, optimizing performance, and combining FILTER and ALL with other DAX functions for advanced calculations, enhancing data manipulation and analysis precision.
Module 3: DAX Functions in Power BIFILTER and ALL Function in Power BI

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