
AlmaBetter had a clear roadmap sorted out for my career.

" The student-centered curriculum is conducive for students new to this domain."

Manoj Patel S secured a pre-placement offer from Newwave Technologies India within 16 weeks of the program commencement. Let's hear what Manoj has to say about his experience at AlmaBetter.

Hello everyone, my name is AlmaBetter, and I am a final year student of Bachelor’s of Engineering in electronics and electrical engineering. I had no prior experience in Data Science, but I was really interested in this demanding field. I decided to join AlmaBetter to pursue my dream of becoming a Data Scientist. I secured a job at Newwave Technologies India within 16 weeks of the program commencement.

Although there are many unique features that AlmaBetter offers, my primary reason for choosing AlmaBettter was the Pay After Placement with a placement guarantee. I had no prior experience and didn't want to spend more money learning a new skill. That’s where the Pay after Placement model helped me a lot. Also, the student-centered curriculum is conducive for students new to this domain.

AlmaBetter’s curriculum is one of a kind. The team at AlmaBetter has designed the ideal curriculum for young data science students. The one-on-one mentorship sessions are helpful to clear all the challenging concepts. Capstone Projects boosted my teamwork skills. Regular Fun quizzes and assignments kept us motivated and engaged. Another useful tool was the Data Science Lab which allowed us to learn tough topics quickly with the help of visual representations. AlmaBetter provided me the confidence to move forward since I was sure they had a clear roadmap sorted out for my career. I just had to believe in the process and keep working.

I would definitely recommend students to join AlmaBetter if they want a successful career in Data Science. I have also been letting my friends know about my success story and AlmaBetter's role behind it.

Manoj Patel S

Manoj Patel S
Data Scientist

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